Hygiene of Sleeping

Hygiene of Sleeping

If you are one of those people who know the feeling of tossing and turning at night without sleep, follow these tips and watch your life change:

  1. Always keep the same bedtime and wake-up times;
  2. Leave screens out of the bedroom: television, tablets and mobile phones are totally forbidden at bedtime because they act as stimulants;
  3. Relax with the reading of a book;
  4. Create a dark environment in the bedroom and avoid white lights;
  5. Do not prolong your baskets for more than 15 minutes;
  6. Exercise during the day, but never after 9 p.m;
  7. Do not drink coffee or tea 6 hours before bedtime;
  8. Take a chamomile or lemon balm tea at bedtime;
  9. Use a relaxing essential oil, such as Lavender.
  10. Keep the room quiet and at a temperature that is comfortable for you. It should neither be too cold nor too hot.

Have a good night!